Construction in Grand Prairie
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These photos include the section just north of I-30, which was the subject of a lawsuit which took 17 years to resolve (between 1983 and 2000).
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Work on the interchange at SH 183 (Airport Freeway) was nearing completion in July 2006. This phase of work added the four connectors on the south side of the interchange. (Photo date: July 16, 2006)
This view looks east along SH 183 (Photo date: July 16, 2006)
(Photo date: July 16, 2006)
(Photo date: July 16, 2006)
This shows the bridge for the Highway 161 main lanes, which are tolled even though this interchange project was built with traditional highway funds. (Photo date: July 16, 2006)
Another view of the Highway 161 main lanes (Photo date: July 16, 2006)
Looking east along SH 183 (Photo date: July 16, 2006)
(Photo date: July 16, 2006)
(Photo date: July 16, 2006)
(Photo date: July 16, 2006)
Looking north from the south side of the interchange (Photo date: July 16, 2006)
Looking south on the south side of the interchange. The tolled main lanes were extended ahead. (Photo date: July 16, 2006)
Driver's view on an existing ramp. (Photo date: July 16, 2006)
Looking south at Pioneer Parkway. The frontage roads south of Pioneer Parkway is a separate construction contract which is now nearly complete. These proceeds proceed northward from Pioneer Parkway. (Photo date: Nov 18, 2006)
Looking north at Pioneer Parkway (Photo date: Nov 18, 2006)
Looking north near McCollough. The toll road was built on the left side. (Photo date: Nov 18, 2006)
Driver's view at Marshall. The two-lane asphalt road was replaced by the frontage roads and was later removed for the main lanes. (Photo date: Nov 18, 2006)
In the above photo you can see a strange structure on the right. (Possibly a fire department training facility?) Here is a closer view. The new northbound frontage road comes very close to it. (Photo date: Nov 18, 2006)
At Dickey/Robinson road we get a good view of the full width of the right-of-way. (Photo date: Nov 18, 2006)
Although the existing road is only two lanes, it has been signed as "West Freeway" for some time. (Photo date: Nov 18, 2006)
Looking north just south of Jefferson, which runs alongside the railroad. (Photo date: Nov 18, 2006)
Driver's view on the existing road, approaching Jefferson. This location became the northbound main toll lanes. (Photo date: Nov 18, 2006)
The existing road stops at Jefferson. Ahead the freeway has right-of-way on new location (where no road previously existed). (Photo date: Nov 18, 2006)
This view looks south at Dalworth along the future northbound frontage road. (Photo date: Nov 18, 2006)
Looking north at Dalworth. The highway cuts through a lower-tier residential area. (Photo date: Nov 18, 2006)
Further north, this view looks southeast. (Photo date: Nov 18, 2006)
Project information (Photo date: Nov 18, 2006)
This view looks northwest with 19th Street crossing ahead. Highway 161 curves to run parallel to 19th Street. (Photo date: Nov 18, 2006)
This is a driver's view northbound on 19th, showing where Highway 161 merges in from the east. (Photo date: Nov 18, 2006)
This view looks southeast, showing where Highway 161 crosses 19th. (Photo date: Nov 18, 2006)
This view looks north at the concrete batch plant just south of Interstate 30. (Photo date: Nov 18, 2006)
At Interstate 30. A five-level interchange will be built here. The was the first interchange in Texas where the frontage roads are on the third level. (Photo date: Nov 18, 2006)
This view looks east along Interstate 30, showing where the Highway 161 toll lanes will cross underneath. (Photo date: Nov 5, 2006)
North of Interstate 30 the right-of-way is being cleared. This section was the subject of a lawsuit which blocked the project from 1983 to 2000. (Photo date: Nov 18, 2006)
This view looks north at 19th Street and Carrier Parkway, which is the end of the active construction project. (Photo date: Nov 18, 2006)