Page last updated or reviewed: April 18, 2023 (create)
There is one short toll-free section of SH 161 and the Bush Turnpike, a two-mile section north of SH 183 in Irving. This was actually the first freeway section to be built in the 1990s, but it had only four main lanes and became a bottleneck. Around 2021 this section was widened to 8 main lanes.
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High resolution This view looks southbound from the Walnut Hill overpass. (Photo date: 17-April-2023)
High resolution This view looks northbound from the Walnut Hill overpass. The exit to Belt Line is here, and it is the last exit for this short toll-free section. (Photo date: 17-April-2023)
High resolution This view looks soutbound from Northgate Drive (Photo date: 17-April-2023)