Page last updated or reviewed: Sept 15, 2022 (move LBJ photos to archive)
2022 status: The original interchange at I-635 LBJ Freeway was demolished in 2022 as part of the LBJ East project. The driving views at the original interchange have been moved to the I-30 photo archive. All other photos are still accurate, except as noted at the location of the Bush Turnpike interchange.

Westbound in Rockwall
(Photo date: 15-April-2007)
Lake Ray Hubbard is just ahead
(Photo date: 15-April-2007)
High resolution
I-30 is almost entirely on an earthfill embankment as it crosses Lake Ray Hubbard.
(Photo date: 15-April-2007)
Typical view on the lake crossing
(Photo date: 15-April-2007)
(Photo date: 15-April-2007)
On the west side of Lake Ray Hubbard
(Photo date: 15-April-2007)
2015 Photo status:
Partially obsolete
The interchange to the Bush Turnpike opened in this area in December 2011.
The freeway is now four lanes each way.
(Photo date: 15-April-2007)
Approaching Northwest Drive
(Photo date: 15-April-2007)
Interstate 635 is just ahead
(Photo date: 15-April-2007)
At Motley Drive
(Photo date: 15-April-2007)
At Buckner/Loop 12. US 80 traffic merges in at the right.
(Photo date: 15-April-2007)
Approaching Samuell Road
(Photo date: 15-April-2007)
High resolution
Approaching Ferguson Road, which is home of the neighborhood called the "Ferguson Road Initiative".
(Photo date: 15-April-2007)
(Photo date: 15-April-2007)
(Photo date: 15-April-2007)