Roadside Views of the Downtown Canyon
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Page last updated or reviewed: Sept 15, 2022 (update caption, move photo to archive)
This downtown section of freeway was opened in November 1965 (collector lanes, Akard to Harwood) and April 28, 1966 (main lanes). Changes have been minimal since the original opening, and the photos below are still accurate as of 2022.

The downtown Mixmaster is at the west end of this section. Reconstruction of the Mixmaster was completed in 2017. See the I-30 archive photos for a view of the original I-30 entrance to the Mixmaster.

This section of freeway is scheduled to be fully rebuilt. As of this writing in September 2022, the project cost is listed at $467 million with estimated letting date February 2025.
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High resolution Looking east toward the Interstate 45 interchange. (Photo date: 10-March-2007)
High resolution Looking east from the Harwood overpass, with the Central Expressway interchange ahead. (Photo date: 10-March-2007)
Looking east from the Harwood overpass, with the Central Expressway interchange ahead. (Photo date: 10-March-2007)
High resolution Looking east from the Akard overpass. (Photo date: 10-March-2007)
High resolution Looking east from the Cadiz overpass (Photo date: 10-March-2007)
High resolution Looking east from the Lamar overpass (Photo date: 10-March-2007)