I-30 Margaret McDermott Bridge Pedestrian Facility
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Page last updated or reviewed: June 23, 2021 (create)
The pedestrian bridges opened on June 10, 2021, after a four year delay. The pedestian bridges were completed in 2017 but did not open because engineers realized the steel rods were vibrating in high winds, which led to cracking of cables, causing one to come loose. Certain testing was omitted prior to construction, and it turned out that there were technical issues with the design, requiring $7 million in repairs and the long delay.
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High resolution Looking at the bridge on the southwest side. (Photo date: 19-June-2021)
On the pedstrian bridge "on-ramp". (Photo date: 19-June-2021)
High resolution This is the pedestrian path on the south side of the bridge. (Photo date: 19-June-2021)
(Photo date: 19-June-2021)
High resolution (Photo date: 19-June-2021)
(Photo date: 19-June-2021)
The connection ramp on the southeast side (Photo date: 19-June-2021)
The east entrance to the pedestrian path on the north side of the bridge (Photo date: 19-June-2021)
High resolution Looking east (Photo date: 19-June-2021)
View of the Margaret Hunt Hill bridge (Spur 366 Woodall Rodgers Freeway) (Photo date: 19-June-2021)
This view shows the cables and the weights attached to the cables. I'm presuming that the weights are dampers to minimize cable vibration. (Photo date: 19-June-2021)
Another view of the cable weights. (Photo date: 19-June-2021)
The weights have some flex on the steel wire supports. (Photo date: 19-June-2021)
(Photo date: 19-June-2021)
High resolution Looking east on the northwest side (Photo date: 19-June-2021)
Connections for the pedestrian paths underneath the freeway main lanes on the west side. (Photo date: 19-June-2021)