Cowboys Stadium
Construction and Superbowl XLV
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Page last updated or reviewed: June 1, 2015 (create)
Cowboys Stadium was renamed AT&T Stadium in 2013.
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High resolution (Photo date: 23-June-2007)
(Photo date: 23-June-2007)
High resolution View from the Walmart parking lot across the street. (Photo date: 23-June-2007)
High resolution The first arch is being built. (Photo date: 11-August-2007)
High resolution (Photo date: 11-August-2007)
High resolution (Photo date: 11-August-2007)
Notice the banner "Home of Super Bowl XLV" (Photo date: 11-August-2007)
Super Bowl XLV at Cowboys Stadium (now AT&T Stadium) (Photo date: 22-January-2011)
(Photo date: 22-January-2011)
Downtown skyscraper with supersize banner on display. (Photo date: 2-February-2011)