Page last updated or reviewed: Sept 16, 2022 (review)
2018 status (verified 2022): Changes have been minimal since these photos were taken and nearly all these photos are still up-to-date. The only section of freeway which has been modified is just south of downtown between South Cesar Chavez and Lamar.

(Photo date: 15-Apr-2007)
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Looking northbound along the northbound frontage road at Pleasant Run. The frontage roads were not rebuilt during the reconstruction in the late 1990s-early 2000s
(Photo date: 15-Apr-2007)
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Looking northbound at Fulghum road
(Photo date: 15-Apr-2007)
Along the west side of the freeway at Fulgum road is the Union Pacific Intermodal Terminal. It is more than a mile long.
(Photo date: 15-Apr-2007)
The intermodal terminal handles transfers of containers from trains to trucks. This view looks from an overpass over I-45, with the southbound frontage road in the lower part of the photo.
(Photo date: 15-Apr-2007)
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Another view of the intermodal terminal
(Photo date: 15-Apr-2007)
Looking northbound at Wintergreen
(Photo date: 15-Apr-2007)
I-45 passes through Hutchins just south of I-20. This is at Dowdy Ferry Road.
(Photo date: 15-Apr-2007)
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The interchange at I-20. This interchange was opened on October 5, 1973.
(Photo date: 15-Apr-2007)
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Another view of the interchange at I-20
(Photo date: 15-Apr-2007)
Southbound traffic is Houston-bound. This view shows signage looking west along Loop 12.
(Photo date: 8-Apr-2007)
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Looking northbound from a pedestrian overpass north of Lamar Street. This area was a lightning rod for controversy and community opposition during the planning of the freeway in the early 1970s. The area is low-income and predominantly black.
(Photo date: 20-Oct-2007)
2018 Photo status:
Partially Obsolete
The interior shoulders were converted to traffic lanes as part of the realignment of US 175 to be on this section of freeway, and the associated removal of the S.M. Wright Freeway.
Graffiti on the pedestrian overpass. This area qualifies as a "hood".
(Photo date: 8-April-2007)
Abandoned home along the freeway.
(Photo date: 8-April-2007)