Page last updated or reviewed: Created December 11, 2007. Last updated May 22, 2024 (update text)
2018 update: Some of the photos below have become obsolete due to changes in the area of the former Texas Stadium, as noted in the image captions. There are long-term plans to widen and modernize the Loop 12 corridor. Right-of-way acquisition is in progress in 2024, which suggests the project could be proceeding to construction before 2030.

North of Illinois
(Photo date: 28-Oct-2007)
At Jefferson
(Photo date: 28-Oct-2007)
At the exit for I-30. The interchange at I-30 is still in its original DFW Turnpike configuration and requires drivers to make some very unusual connections.
(Photo date: 28-Oct-2007)
At Interstate 30. At the time of this photo, construction was in progress to rebuild the I-30 main lanes. There are long-term plans for a modern 4-level interchange at this location, but as of 2018 the interchange construction is not funded or scheduled.
(Photo date: 28-Oct-2007)
(Photo date: 28-Oct-2007)
The Trinity River bridge is just ahead. The bridge was built with a 52-foot clearance over the average river level in anticipation of the construction of the Trinity waterway navigable barge canal. The construction contract for the Loop 12 bridge was awarded in January 1973, and on March 13, 1973, voters rejected a $150 million bond issue which would have covered the local share of the cost of the barge canal. The Trinity waterway navigation canal project was on life support after the election, and dead by the late 1970s. So, the extra clearance and long span of the bridge turned out to be a waste of money.
(Photo date: 28-Oct-2007)
On the downgrade of the Trinity river bridge.
(Photo date: 28-Oct-2007)
(Photo date: 28-Oct-2007)
(Photo date: 28-Oct-2007)
At Irving Blvd
(Photo date: 28-Oct-2007)
At the exit for Union Bower
(Photo date: 28-Oct-2007)
Approaching TX 183 with Texas Stadium just ahead.
(Photo date: 28-Oct-2007)
2021 Photo status:
Texas Stadium was imploded and cleared in 2010. In 2021 work began on a new multi-level interchange at SH 183 which was completed on May 8, 2024.
Exit to 183. The interchange at SH 183 features an antiquated and obsolete design with loop connectors and poor geometrics.
(Photo date: 28-Oct-2007)
2021 Photo status:
Texas Stadium was imploded and cleared in 2010. In 2021 work began on a new multi-level interchange at SH 183 which was completed on May 8, 2024.
(Photo date: 28-Oct-2007)
2021 Photo status:
Texas Stadium was imploded and cleared in 2010. In 2021 work began on a new multi-level interchange at SH 183 which was completed on May 8, 2024.
At TX 183
(Photo date: 28-Oct-2007)
2018 Photo status:
In 2018 major improvments to this interchange were completed, including widening SH 183 and two new connection ramps. In 2021 work began on a new multi-level interchange at SH 183 which was completed on May 8, 2024.
At Texas Plaza.
(Photo date: 28-Oct-2007)
2015 Photo status:
This section of freeway was rebuilt and widened in 2012 during phase 1 of the Diamond Interchange project. In 2018 new ramps connecting to SH 183 were added.
This is over SH 114. Two connection ramps to SH 114 were opened in 2012, but the other six connection movements must go through a signalized intersection on the frontage roads.
(Photo date: 28-Oct-2007)
2015 Photo status:
This section of freeway was rebuilt and widened in 2012 during phase 1 of the Diamond Interchange project, now called the Irving Interchange.
On the Trinity River bridge, crossing into Dallas from Irving.
(Photo date: 28-Oct-2007)
2018 Photo status:
Managed lanes were added to the freeway in 2018.
At Northwest Highway. This area has a dense concentration of liquor stores, gentlemen's clubs, bars, and restaurants. Eastbound Loop 12 traffic exits here.
(Photo date: 28-Oct-2007)
2018 Photo status:
Managed lanes were added to the freeway in 2018.
Merging with I-35E.
(Photo date: 28-Oct-2007)
2015 Photo status:
Partially obsolete
In 2014 elevated mananged lanes opened on I-35E, including a connection from northbound Loop 12.