Chihuly Exhibition at the Dallas Arboretum
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Page last updated or reviewed: May 22, 2015 (create)
The Dallas Arboretum is always nice, but it was totally amazing during the Chihuly exhibit of glass art in 2012.
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High resolution (Photo date: 1-June-2012)
High resolution This piece is titled the Mexican Hat and Horn Tower (Photo date: 1-June-2012)
High resolution This item was titled the Dallas Star. (Photo date: 1-June-2012)
High resolution (Photo date: 1-June-2012)
High resolution (Photo date: 1-June-2012)
High resolution (Photo date: 1-June-2012)
High resolution . (Photo date: 1-June-2012)
High resolution (Photo date: 1-June-2012)
(Photo date: 1-June-2012)
High resolution (Photo date: 1-June-2012)
High resolution (Photo date: 1-June-2012)
High resolution The infinity pool with White Rock Lake as the backdrop. (Photo date: 1-June-2012)
High resolution (Photo date: 1-June-2012)
High resolution (Photo date: 1-June-2012)
High resolution (Photo date: 1-June-2012)
(Photo date: 1-June-2012)
High resolution (Photo date: 1-June-2012)
High resolution (Photo date: 1-June-2012)
(Photo date: 1-June-2012)
(Photo date: 1-June-2012)
(Photo date: 1-June-2012)
This piece was is titled Aque Blue and Amber Chandelier (Photo date: 1-June-2012)
High resolution (Photo date: 1-June-2012)
(Photo date: 1-June-2012)
(Photo date: 1-June-2012)