Driving Views Northbound
Spur 408 Home
DFW Freeways Home
Page last updated or reviewed: Created December 15, 2007. Last updated Feb 8, 2018 (review only)
2018 update: Changes have been minimal and these photos are still accurate depictions.
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On the connection ramp from eastbound I-20 to northbound Spur 408 (Photo date: 28-Oct-2007)
Just north of I-20 (Photo date: 28-Oct-2007)
Near Grady Niblo road (Photo date: 28-Oct-2007)
The freeway features a very wide right-of-way and a wide median. There are no frontage roads. (Photo date: 28-Oct-2007)
At the Keist exit (Photo date: 28-Oct-2007)
North of Keist there is an extra-wide separation of the northbound and southbound lanes. (Photo date: 28-Oct-2007)
(Photo date: 28-Oct-2007)
The end of the Spur 408 freeway at Loop 12 is just ahead. (Photo date: 28-Oct-2007)
At Illinois. The freeway merges with Loop 12 just ahead, and traffic then follows Loop 12. (Photo date: 28-Oct-2007)